
David Moorhead

Visual Web Designer

We are in this together.

Focused Excellence

Focused Excellence is defined as, It’s the little things that matter.


Accessible websites have become more than just a little important in that approximately 10% of global internet communications via mobile devices continue to rise.

Web Experience by Design

Drawing of hand held device.The index for great visitor experiences includes empathy for everyone, as everyone relies on an ecosystem that lives and breathes within responsive and accessible features.

Your new website will be responsive on visitors’ mobiles, tablets, and desktop devices, feeling relaxed while your accessible site delivers courtesies visitors expect.

Web Marketing by Content

Drawing of a stack of documents.Well-written content sparks attention in the world of Search Engine Optimization. The development of your site with placement of effectively written text and suitable images will become apparent once you see your strategy appear on the web page.

As an example, this page has been reasonably composed to attract artistically creative individuals as well as those friendly to the visual and performing arts.

Forms of Expression

These photos might spotlight a few of your artistic expressions.

We have discovered each other. Now let’s work together.


My performance in the classics began with piano lessons at age five. Fascinated with piano music, I earned a Bachelor’s in piano and voice performance from the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, Texas.

Photo of David.

From there, solo performances expanded into a career as a professional accompanist for vocal artists from Broadway to opera houses.

In addition to my work in music, I have eight years’ design experience of sites and online newsletters for numerous clients.

As an independent freelancer, Focused Excellence informs my motivation for staying in touch with the latest in design on the web. I look forward to working with you!

David's fancy signature.

214 696 8373